Baked Goods | Cookies | Treats | Updates

Oh Happy Day! Welcome to Cookie of the Month

27 November, 2020

We are thrilled to announce our cookie of the month club! It has been a labor of love to figure out the best flavors and recipes for each month. What better way to let someone know you are thinking of them every month than cookies made with love!

Sugar Cookies

My Great Great Aunt Ina was one of my Great Grams’ best friends. We spent a lot of time visiting her as children. She lived in the country so we played out in the woods or we played card games and Rummicube. When we would come back inside, there were cookie tubs on a couple of low shelves in the mud room. We would all sneak some cookies on our way in as well as on our way out.

As I got older, my brothers moved to live with our mom. When Gram and I would visit Aunt Ina we would work on our crocheting and still play our games, but Aunt Ina realized my interest in cooking and baking so she would share her recipes with me and we would watch Martha Stewart on TV. I would marvel at the interesting cookies Martha made. (One cookie called for Wheat Germ and I’d never heard of such a strange thing).

While Great Gram was an excellent cook, and baked well, she only baked cookies for Christmas. (Side note, she baked ALL the cookies. Seriously, I don’t know how she did it. There were at least a dozen varieties so everyone had their favorites and she shared them with all four generations of our family, plus other friends).

Aunt Ina on the other hand loved to bake cookies. So she took the time to teach me about rolling out the dough. Cutting them out. How to flour my board or counter and my rolling pin. How you could use just about anything to cut out a cookie if you were in a pinch.

Her sugar cookies are truly magical. They are so light and fluffy. I used to use them for my decorated Sugar cookies because IMHO they are the most supreme sugar cookie in the world, but due to their rise and amazing texture they have a rounded top, which unfortunately isn’t ideal for specially decorated cookies. (For inquiring minds, my decorated sugar cookies are now between a sugar cookie and shortbread in texture and still have a delightful flavor. I’ve asked my favorite taste testers plus a few other people to sample to ensure they are still a high quality cookie).

My heart knew I wanted to keep these Sugar Cookies on my menu and were part of my inspiration for creating the cookie of the month club! Sugar Cookies are a truly classic cookie that I think are a nice palate cleanser for the beginning of the new year. They are like a delicious blank slate after the indulgence, decadence, and deep spice flavors of the holidays.

Chocolate Cookies

February is all about the chocolate and hearts. Whether you want to share with the ones that you love, or add some extra love into your own life. If I had to choose one sweet for the rest of my life it would with out a doubt be chocolate. I find it so comforting and often chuckle to myself when I think about the use of Chocolate after a dementor attack in the Harry Potter season, because when I make big moves, or need to do something out of my comfort zone a piece of chocolate makes the world right again.

A couple of years ago, I wanted to make some special St. Patrick’s Day treats for my office and the idea struck me. I know Rice Cereal Treats are a classic desert, but could they be made with Lucky Charms?

What would happen to the marshmallows that are already in the cereal? Would the melt into an ugly blob when they mixed with the melted marshmallows? Would I need to adjust the amount of marshmallows? Would they be too sweet? I became obsessed. I decided instead of continuing to worry or question if it could work or how it would work, I should just try and then make my adjustments.

My end result was a glorious treat! My colleagues loved them and even though I don’t like rice cereal treats (I know I’m an outlier here) I LOVED them too! I figured I would enjoy them since after all they were full of Lucky Charms, and they are my favorite cereal. (Want more info on my love affair with Lucky Charms? Check out my Lucky 13).

Now my colleagues ask me ahead of time, “when is it going to be Charms Treats time?” And that fills me heart with joy.


At least two of my favorite people have April Birthdays and I have spent most of my adult life living far away from my family. College and then off into the Army all over the world, and now I’m in Virginia where I don’t have any of my familial connections. For my local family (especially my nephews) I bake them cakes. As a micro business, I don’t know how to ship a cake in the mail and it seems cost prohibitive on a small scale. So I have developed Birthday Cake Cookies!! I CAN ship cookies in the mail!

I have 13 nieflings (nieces and nephews) and I love them all SO very much. Even the ones I haven’t met, from the time I learn about them, they have a place in their auntie’s heart the same as the neiflings that I do know have have relationships with. I truly wish I could fly home for each one of their birthdays and bake them cakes. I did bake the Irish Twins a birthday cake for their 2/3 birthdays TEN years ago because I happened to be home on leave, but the timing hasn’t lined up since. (Plus now there are just so many babies 😍🥰 which is an amazing blessing, but since I have a FT career as well, it only allows 10 vacation days per year).


After a piece of chocolate, I think what Moms really want is something a little sweet and sour. Light and Crisp to usher in spring and celebrate Mother’s day. Lemon crinkles are packed with flavor and pop! They pair well with a cup of tea (hot or iced, sweet or unsweet). Delicate but substatial. Cookies that bring loads of bright cheeriness with each bite!


Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are another classic cookie that I couldn’t resist including. They are one of the first cookies I learned to bake and they are hearty and wholesome. The only compaint I ever have with Oatmeal Raisin Cookies is when I pick one up, take a bite, thinking they are chocolate chip and I am quite offended! So never fear! These cookies will be properly labeled so they won’t be Chocolate Chip imposters. You will know they are delightful Oatmeal Raisin. I include a light sprinkle of seasonings to deepen their flavor profile and tantilize the tastebuds!


For those of you that don’t know, my birthday is July 1st and my favorite cookie (if I could only choose one forever) is Chocolate Chip Cookies! They are the first cookie I learned to bake on my own. They aren’t something we had in our house growing up (other than Kebler Soft Batch) and I was obsessed with making them (and Brownies). It is one of the recipes that while I have tweaked the levening and seasoning and my preparation method over the years, I have the recipe memorized. I can do it without really thinking. I also love the dough youmake for chocolate chip cookies because it is so easy to change up the flavors. Add nuts, add different flavors of chips, add candy, addspices, sprinkle infused sea salts!

For our Cookie of the Month version, it will be my classic recipe using high quality Dark Chocolate Chips. Once you have your cookies to the texture you like, the quality of the chocolate is the most important factor. I grew up using all the most cost effective store brands or the classic brand of chocolate chips that everyone knows and loves and then 6 years ago when I moved to Virginia, I splurged on a fancy bag of chocolate chips and I’ve never looked back. (Well except in desperate times when I couldn’t get any other chocolate! But even then, sometimes I buy chocolate bars). (This philosophy on high quality and dark chocolate is also applied to our Ocelot Bombs).


Peanut Butter Cookies are another one of the cookies that were one of my first favorites to make. I was intimidated by roll out cookies and I love the variety of patterns you can make ontop of them. Classic crisscross with a fork, or using various cookie stamps for other fun!

I use a smooth creamy peanut butter for the cookie of the month. They are rich and comforting, perfect for back to school!


With the cooler weather, it’s the perfect time for some S’mores. As you probably know I LOVE making marshmallows and I love eating chocolate. Well, the perfect treat for a cozy autumn is a S’more. I make homemade Graham Crackers with a little bit of cinnamon and spices. Then I pipe on fresh homemade Vanilla Bean Marshmallows and add some decadent dark chocolate.


I am a bit Halloween obsessed. So in October I turn my Monster Cookies into little monsters by adding some eyes while they are baking!

If you are less familiar with the flavor of a Monster Cookie, it’s like a Peanut Butter Cookie, Oatmeal Cookie, and Chocolate Chip Cookie had the most delightful baby!!!! I packaged them up and included them in my treat bnags for Halloween this year and the kids in my neighborhood loved them! (Daniel was also really dissappointed that he didn’t get to eat as many as he would have liked).


No Bake Cookies were my first forway into using the stovetop to make sweets. We didn’t have home economics when I was school, but we had an effective living course where we cooked on Fridays. I made this recipe over and over and over. There is still something truly comforting about each bite!


I wanted to end the year as it began. With a family recipe from my Great Great Aunt Ina. She always believed in me and encouraged me. I loved that she made even more homemade things than my Great Gram did. (She made her own soap, we used to save our bacon renederings to give her. She also made her own wine). There are many generations of incredible women in my family, and I am so appreciative of the experiances and memories with them.


Our Cookie of the Month Club can be purchased each month. It guarantees you a savings compared to ordering them from our cookies by the dozen menu.

It is also available in 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month packages which is excellent to give as a gift or to treat yourself to wonderful cookies for that duration.

It is a one-time purchase. Recurring charges will not be applied to your card.

We are now shipping within the U.S. Please choose the correct item for online ordering if you would like them to be shipped or if you would prefer to pick them up.

Our shipping is a flat rate of $5.50 per order. We are a micro-business and at our current scale this is the best we can do. If you would like a larger order to one location (ie. 2 dozen a month), please email me and I can create a custom shipping label for your purchase.