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Any Way You Slice It: Fascinating Cake Cutting Traditions

By on 28 April, 2021

The cake is one of the most iconic parts of the wedding reception. The newly weds make their first entrance as a married couple. The first dance, dancing with parents, bouquet toss, garter toss, and cake cutting are some of the most key elements of the modern wedding reception.

When a couple cuts their wedding cake, it is a symbol of the first thing they do as a married couple. In my opinion, this alleviates a lot of the pressure. (What’s the first thing you did as a couple?) There’s no awkward pause. You just know that it’s cutting the cake.

How to cut the cake

A general theme I fully believe in, is do whatever feels right between you and your partner. Everything doesn’t have to be the conventional, traditional, or historical approach. However, sometimes this knowledge can make things sweeter.

It is a common practice for the groom to place his hand over the bride’s when cutting the cake. This symbolizes his promise to support her and her promise to take care of him and their family.

Where to cut the cake

Couples are often encouraged to cut from the bottom tier of the cake. This is to symbolize the longevity and continuity in their marriage. (I see many couples cut the top tier. It is often simpler, and a more logical choice for serving.

Cake Cutting No Nos!

Caution, DON’T cut your top tier if you are planning on saving it for your first anniversary. This isn’t as common of a practice, but, don’t cut the cake you intend on saving.

Don’t try to slice through the entire cake!!! I cannot repeat this enough. There are cake boards and possibly other structures within the cake so it doesn’t collapse. (You would be surprised how heavy most cakes are). As you are cutting, if you feel resistance, stop. If this happens just as you begin to slice, you may have inadvertently attempted to slice where there is a dowel supporting the tier above.

Anyway you slice it!

The couple will cut a slice of the cake. (Posing for photos along the way). This is where most modern cake cutting ends (for the couple). They feed each other some cake, and often a caterer or a loving family member will come to slice the remainder of the cake.

Some older traditions include the couple cutting and serving the cake to their guests, but this has mostly gone out of fashion as weddings have many more guests.

When to cut the cake

You can schedule it whenever you think is best. My suggestion is first thing. Then it can continue to be sliced while your guests are having their meal. (And it truly is your first activity as a married couple).

This also frees up guests to leave when they are ready. People generally stay through the cake cutting, but your grandparents may be accustomed to earlier bed times. Additionally, it means, once your band (or DJ) starts playing, the party portion of the evening doesn’t have to stop to cut the cake. (Win! Win!)

Serving Size Slices

Paralysis often sets in when it comes to cutting the cake into equal slices. Larger cakes (especially over 6″ diameter) can be cut into squares instead of slicing the cake like a pie. A slice of wedding cake is 1W” x 2D” x 4H” (Width, Depth, Height).

If you would like a cake cutting guide, I am happy to supply options along with your cake order!

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